Specifications (Click here for full factory specifications)
GAUGE/CHAMBER | 12 ga. 2 3/4 inch chamber (Do NOT attempt to shoot 3" Shells. Why not?) |
OPERATION | Pump action or gas operated semi-automatic |
BARREL | 21.5 inches |
CHOKE | Cylinder (Note 1,2) |
SIGHTS | Ghost ring sights |
CAPACITY | 2, 6, 7, or 8 plus 1 in barrel (Note 3) |
OVERALL LENGTH | 41 inches |
WEIGHT, EMPTY | 9 pounds 10 oz. |
Note 1: Everybody says "Cylinder", but every SPAS-12 I've gauged has been halfway between "3/4 Choke" and "Improved Cylinder." Then I did some measurements and found the whole barrel is between the diameters of a 3/4 choke and an improved cylinder, right from the forcing cone to the tip of the barrel. So, it isn't choked but is undersize. I found out this is not uncommon on European shotguns.
Note 2: Other external choke tubes are available.
Note 3: A very
question. Franchi's brochure says 2
1 or 6 + 1 with an extension. The picture they show has
extension one shell short of the full barrel length. Most guns I
see have a longer extension that is the full length of the barrel,
would then make the gun a 7 + 1. Many folks say the gun
+ 1 because it is possible to put 8 crimped-type
shells into the 21.5" magazine. And if you use end-disk
type shells (which are longer), the maximum is
7 in the magazine.
(See Magazine Capacities for
info on the effect of shell types.) The FIE
User's Manual says 8 + 1. The original Franchi
export manual says 7 + 1.
I prefer to use a spring
meant for a 10 round magazine and only put 7 shells in to give it the
room it needs -- I've seen the factory spring fail to feed that 8th
many occasions.
Italian Date Code | Year | Italian Date Code | Year | Italian Date Code | Year | Italian Date Code | Year |
XXVI | 1970 | AA | 1975 | BA | 1991 | CA | 2006 |
XXVII | 1971 | AB | 1976 | BB | 1992 | CB | 2007 |
XXVIII | 1972 | AC | 1977 | BC | 1993 | CC | 2008 |
XXIX | 1973 | AD | 1978 | BD | 1994 | CD | 2009 |
XX | 1974 | AE | 1979 | BF | 1995 | CF | 2010 |
AF | 1980 | BH | 1996 | CH | 2011 | ||
AH | 1981 | BI | 1997 | CI | 2012 | ||
AI | 1982 | BL | 1998 | CL | 2013 | ||
AL | 1983 | BM | 1999 | CM | 2014 | ||
AM | 1984 | BN | 2000 | CN | 2015 | ||
AN | 1985 | BP | 2001 | CP | 2016 | ||
AP | 1986 | BS | 2002 | CS | 2017 | ||
AS | 1987 | BT | 2003 | CT | 2018 | ||
AT | 1988 | BU | 2004 | CU | 2019 | ||
AU | 1989 | BZ | 2005 | CZ | 2020 | ||
AZ | 1990 |
I found that the original drawing from
Franchi for the SPAS-12 was incomplete, and that a few more parts and
relevant to the SPAS-12 were in the LAW-12 manual. So while this
remains a SPAS-12 diagram and list, it has been augmented with
from the later manuals.
Entire Gun (small image)
Entire Gun (big image)
Trigger Assembly
here for information.
Check the ads here at SPAS12.com.
These are the parts that seem to be in
demand, but difficult to get. I'll also add the availability and
last price I saw for each:
Folding Stock (don't forget, three types) |
Hook for Stock (OEM) |
Magazine Extension (long) |
Magazine Extension (short) |
Trigger Group (Cross-bolt) |
Trigger Group (Lever) |
Choke Tubes |
Divertor or Spreader (both pieces) |
Scope Mount |
Sling |
Something over $300 |
Factory Tool |
(Any emails asking where to buy any of the above will be ignored.)
You will never, ever be able to buy a replacement receiver, just a new gun. The receiver is considered to be "the gun" by the ATF, so importing a receiver is importing a gun, which is banned.
Old Style (Above)
New Style (Above)
Black part is metal -- can be ckecked
with a magnet. Many have a "belly button" in the middle.
Make sure you know which one you need and get the right one -- I sell them here. Note the "old" style goes into a cone-shaped recess, the new goes into a cylinder-shaped hole.